Staff Report
LifeCare of Brandon & SouthShore is excited to announce that Joe Wicker will be chairman for its 12th Annual Players Tournament, which will take place on Thursday, May 2 at Riverhills Golf & Country Club, located at 3943 New River Hills Pkwy., in Valrico.
LifeCare is a non-profit outreach ministry serving the greater Brandon community since 1987 and SouthShore since 2012.
Wicker states, “This is a powerful life-giving ministry that we as a community can proudly stand behind and support. They are assisting hundreds of teen girls, women, couples and families each year who are facing the challenge of an unplanned pregnancy. Through free services and programs, they provide compassionate care, education and practical assistance to encourage healthy pregnancies and positive parenting skills. It offers support for birthmothers and couples who choose to provide security and stability for its baby through an adoption plan. I was personally touched and inspired as I toured its Brandon Center and am excited to help raise funds for this life-giving and life-changing ministry in our community.”
The Brandon Center is now a medical clinic providing life-affirming ultrasounds under the license of Dr. Armas of OB/GYN Associates, who volunteers his time as Medical Director. Funds are currently being raised to purchase an ultrasound machine for the SouthShore Center. The goal for this year’s Golf Tournament is to raise $35,000 to help sustain this vital ministry in the Brandon and SouthShore community.
This is always a first-class event with PGA professional instructional clinics with lunch provided by Chick-fil-A, a delicious dinner, generous amounts of door prizes and an appreciation goodie bag.
There is even a chance to win Ping golf clubs, flat screens and even a car. Please call 654-0491 or visit for more information or to register to golf.