By Tamas Mondovics

With a $20 million renovation behind them, Bloomingdale Senior High School administration has turned its attention to some additional building projects related to the school’s sports fields.

According to BSHS Assistant Principal Donny Peek, while the renovation was a great success and has been all completed, the school is still pursuing to build a field house as well as men’s and women’s locker rooms along with a concession stand and restrooms all in the vicinity of the baseball and softball fields near the Charley Harris Stadium, named after the school’s first principal.

“We are building for success as we want to raise our athletic presence in the community,” Peek said, adding that having such facilities in place helps all athletic departments to be more successful.

The two-phase project is ready to commence with phase one which, Peek said, will involve the building of a concession stand, a restroom for both students and fans and a girl’s softball locker room.

The estimated project’s first-phase cost is $100,000 which has partly been raised by the school and was matched by the school district.

Peek said that the second phase of the project, which involves the building of a close to 3,000 sq. ft.  field house accommodating a weight-room, three additional locker rooms (for football and other sports) as well as a coach’s office, will begin once funds are available.

BSHS continues to raise funds through events as it seeks the support of the community.

“We are counting on the support of the students and parents as well as local businesses within the community,” Peek said.

BSHS began the 2013-2014 school year with former Burn Middle School Principal, Sue Burkett, at the helm following the departure of Mark West.

While BSHS enjoys a number of achievements, school administration and staff are proud of its athletics, including football, soccer, baseball, softball, wrestling, basketball, volleyball, swimming, flag football, and track and field, along with club teams for ice hockey, lacrosse, and bowling, as Boys’ sports teams carry the  Bloomingdale Bulls, while girls’ sports teams are called the Bloomingdale Lady Bulls.

For more information about Bloomingdale High School, please visit the school’s website at


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