By Tamas Mondovics
Based on its current standing, it is safe to say that the Turkey Creek Trojans Youth Football and Cheerleading program has every reason to look forward to the post-season with the utmost confidence.
Pulling athletes and coaches from the Brandon and surrounding communities, all five Trojans teams are sporting a strong winning season, including the Pee Wees who had a bit of a rough start, but seem to have managed to pull things together and stay in the game.
Building on last year’s success of sending four out of the five divisions to the Super Bowl, with only its Pee Wee team coming short of reaching the championship bracket, the Trojan’s continue to rely on the well-established coaching staff and parent-volunteer support.
“Many of our coaches have over ten years coaching experience,” said Trojan’s president Milo Mitchell, but added that while the focus on developing the necessary skills through personal one-on-one coaching of the fundamentals continues, the emphasis is placed on other factors that affect the game as well.

“Sportsmanship, loyalty and positive attitude are a must,” Mitchell said. “Our coaches also emphasize academic success in schools.”
Of course, no youth football team is complete without its cheer support.
As they are supporting their team, each cheer squad performs on Saturdays during football season as well as participates in the FYFCA Cheer-off Competition and league-approved functions and competitions outside of conference such as parades and exhibitions.
The Trojans practice on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-8:30 p.m. at their home located at 5937 Connell Rd. in Plant City.
For more information about Florida Youth Football and Cheerleading Association, please visit FYFCA.org.
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