By Tamas Mondovics

A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 80 percent of celebratory gunfire-related injuries are to the head, feet, and shoulders.
“Individuals need to remember that when a gun is fired in the air, there is no way to determine where that bullet will come down,” said HCSO Public Information Officer Larry McKinnon.
The effort supports Bullet Free Sky (BFS) a non-profit organization and its goal to educate the public and raise awareness of the dangers of Celebratory Gunfire.
BFS was officially announced in the media in April 2012, after a stray bullet struck 12-year-old Ruskin boy Diego Duran, in the head on the wake of New Year of 2012.
“Our mission is to educate people and to create world-wide awareness of the dangers of this practice,” said Diego’s mom Sandy. “We are not an anti-gun organization. We are pro gun safety and common sense.”
The Sheriff’s Office is urging individuals to stop celebratory gunfire and to welcome in the New Year in a safe and responsible manner.
For more information about Bullet Free Sky, please visit
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