By Bonnie Mentel
Retired physician and newly nominated Riverview Chamber of Commerce President, Bryan Thatcher, travels the world to promote his ministry, Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy (EADM).
“The main goal of the ministry is to basically spread the mercy of God. I’ve traveled and spoke all over the world. I’ve met so many people who have made mistakes and they never think that God could love them. But, God is a loving God and a forgiving God and you just have to ask for His mercy,” he said.
The Greater Riverview Chamber of Commerce introduces Dr. Thatcher in Riverview My Town, “Dr. Thatcher spends much of his time on a ministry he founded in 1996 called Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy (EADM). The ministry is now active in 35 countries worldwide. Dr. Thatcher is the author of several books on the divine mercy, and over the past 20 years, his ministry has shipped over 125 containers of medical supplies with an estimated value of $25 million to the poor worldwide.”
Thatcher’s ministry is funded through his newsletters, speaking conferences, and the booklets that he writes. The medical supplies are donated by hospitals and hospices.
“Because I’m a retired physician I have many medical contacts. For the past 20 years we’ve been shipping our large shipments of medical supplies and religious items overseas to the poorest of the poor. The last six years we’ve been focusing on the Philippines, but we ship to India, Africa, Central and South America, and Ukraine,” he said.
The ministry operates under the Congregation of Marians, a religious order out of Massachusetts. Their website,, provides more information about EADM.
“We ship the containers about every three months. The amazing thing about these containers is that everything is donated. These are all very good medical supplies and equipment. Each container probably is valued between $200,000-$250,000. It generally costs us $4,000 to ship so the cost/benefit ratio is tremendous. It’s well worth it,” Thatcher said.
Medical supplies can be dropped off at the office located at 10016 Park Place Ave., in Riverview. If there are further questions, please contact 877-380-0727.
“We have a positive message; a message of joy and help,” Thatcher said.