By Kelly Wise Valdes
As summer launches into full swing, we look forward to Independence Day. Yes, the Fourth of July where we Americans recognize the sacrifices by our military and pledge allegiance side by side as we enjoy waving our flags at the local parades. We host cookouts and pool parties and fireworks. Indeed we feel patriotic on that day. As Christians, our political liberty is important, but we also need to recognize our faith as our “independence day.” Jesus died on the cross so we can be free from the wages of our sins. So, while we are all eating our hotdogs and watching fireworks, remember that we should celebrate our spiritual independence every day.
Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives
By Jocelyn Green
This collection of devotions addresses the challenges that military wives face in their daily lives. What good can possibly come from moving every two to three years? How can you be sure that God has a purpose for your life that is as strong as His purpose for your husbands? This faith-filled book gives hope amidst the shifting circumstances of a military family.
Called To Serve: Encouragement, Support, and Inspiration for Military Families
By Tony Monetti, Penny Monetti
Serving in the armed forces is an honor, but it can also become a battlefield where spiritual and emotional conflict can overpower families. Drawing from 23 years of military experience, the authors identify the top stressors soldiers and their loved ones face and offer encouraging, biblically-based readings to help them combat relational threats.
A Political History of the Bible In America
By Paul D. Hanson
This book traces American history back to colonial times, paying close attention to the role that Biblical tradition has played in shaping the United States. Learn how the Bible explains the challenges and crises in American history. Religion has influenced both domestic and international policy and contributed to the nation’s sense of identity and purpose.
Stand Strong America: Courage, Freedom, and Hope for Tomorrow
By Alex McFarland, Jason Jimenez
This spiritual book provides the courage to stand strong in the midst of uncertainty and fear while offering a vision of hope that reignites the faith that existed when America was created. The authors chart the amazing story of how America became the greatest nation on earth. Be encouraged and empowered by this message.