Small Business Community Flea Market
Are you a small business owner looking to sell your goods and services and would love to gain new clientele with a purpose. Please join in for Small Business Community Flea Market on Saturday, May 19 from 10 a.m.-12 Noon at the Campo Family YMCA, 3414 Culbreath Rd. in Valrico.
The cost is $75 for non-members and $50 for Y Everywhere & Here members. Your fee is a charitable donation that will assist in sponsoring families with its Annual Campaign.
For more information or to RSVP (by Thursday, May 10), email kymberly.wallace@tampaymca.org.
Get Your Mother’s Day Gifts At Congregation Beth Shalom Crafts Fair
All are welcome to a Crafts Fair featuring many vendors selling goods that may be especially wonderful for your wives, daughters, and mothers celebrating Mother’s Day. It will take place on Sunday, May 6 from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Welcome the Sabbath on Friday evenings at 7:45 p.m. Oneg, nosh and mingle follows.
Congregation Beth Shalom is located at 706 Bryan Rd. in Brandon. Call 681-6547 for more information.
Enjoy Fashion Show and Luncheon With Brandon Christian Women’s Connection
The Brandon Christian Women’s Connection luncheon for May is its annual Fashion Show presented by The Dress Barn. It will take place Monday, May 14 from 11 a.m.-1.p.m. at the Special Event Center at Bell Shoals Baptist Church, 2102 Bell Shoals Rd. in
This is a nondenominational luncheon and all ladies are invited. The cost is $15. First time guests pay $10. Please make a reservation before Monday, May 7 with Lillie at 740-0098.
Exalted Word Ministries Presents First Seffner Community Health Fair
A Community Health Fair will be sponsored by Exalted Word Ministries on Saturday, May 5 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. This is a family event so bring your children.
Free services will be available: Healthy Food Pre/Taste Seminar, Mini Olympics for Kids, Pre Diabetic Screening as well as music entertainment. Vendors will be present too.
The Health Fair takes place at 2808 S. Kingsway Rd. in Seffner.
For more information, contact Yolanda Mitchum, RN, BSN at 352-615-4552 or yolandamitchum@aol.com.