Last year hundreds of seniors from all over Hillsborough County participated in events from pickle board to dominos at the annual Tampa Bay Active Life Games. Registration is now underway for this year’s event, which will take place throughout the county from October 5-19.
The Olympic-style competition is open to adults 50 and older and is hosted by Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation, the City of Tampa, the City of Temple Terrace and Friends of the County Parks.
“This event is very important to us because we have a large constituent of seniors in our area and it is well known that the longer you stay active, the longer you stay healthy,” said Rick Valdez, director of Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation. “There is great talent all around us and every year we find someone new who inspires us.”
This year is the 38th annual competition offering a variety of contests for all skill and fitness levels with events ranging from track and field to cycling. Some of the more than two dozen events are qualifiers for state completion.
“There is something for everyone,” said Hillsborough County Commissioner Sandra Murman. “There is even a baking contest.”
Registration costs $30 and entrants can compete in as many events as they want. There is an additional $25 charge for those participating in the golf competition, which includes use of a cart. In addition, opening day festivities and the awards luncheon are included with registration.
Residents can register on-line and select sports, activities and pay entrance fees until September 19. The registration fee can be paid online with a credit card or PayPal or payment can be mailed.
The event, previously known as The Senior Games, is a regional qualifier for the Florida Senior Games which will take place in Clearwater, December 1-9. Residents who participate in the Florida Senior Games can qualify for the National Senior Games which will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico in June, 2019.
To register for the Tampa Bay Active Life Games, visit www.HCFLGov.net/ActiveLife. To learn more about the Florida Senior Games, call 1-866-354-2637.