Center Place Fine Arts and Civic Association, Inc. has issued a Call To Artists for their third annual Square’s Off, a national juried exhibition. Artwork that is juried into this show will be on display at Center Place located at 619 Vonderburg Dr. in Brandon from Thursday, January 17 through Thursday, February 28, 2019.
The exhibit will be juried by a highly qualified juror with a strong background in fine art. There is $900 available in prize money.
The deadline to enter the show is Friday, October 26. The entry fee is $35, and artists can enter up to three pieces. An artists’ reception will be held on Friday, February 1, 2019 from 6 to 8 p.m. The winners will be announced at 6:30 p.m. Monetary awards will be given for Best of Show ($500), First Place ($250), Second Place ($100) and Third Place ($50).
All entries must be square and not exceed 24”x24”. They must not weigh more than five pounds. All frames must be smooth and black with no carvings on frame and be wired for hanging. All 3D work must also be square and no bigger than 24”x24” and weigh no more than five pounds.
Entries must be the completed, original work of the artist. No kits or commercially designed work will be accepted. All work must have been completed in the last two years and not have been exhibited previously at Center Place.
Jennie Sikora-Muehl is this year’s Square’s Off Coordinator. Sikora-Muehl said, “What makes this show so fun and unique is that the artwork of all mediums will be square in shape. The show is open to all artists around the country with heavy participation from local artists.”
This is a national juried art show. Over the last few years, the show has attracted the best local artists as well as artists from all over the country. Center Place is a great venue for a juried art show.
For more information on Center Place and its national juried show, Square’s Off and to download the entry forms, please visit www.centerplacebrandon.org. You can also call 685-8888 or email centerplacesquaresoff@yahoo.com.