In late August, the president of Crossing Cultures International (CCI), Dr. David Nelson, and seven national directors from the Far East began trekking up the United States’ East Coast. Their mission is to share what God is accomplishing through the CCI ministry. The tour highlights testimonies of transformed lives from the work of the gospel in each of their respective countries.
CCI was founded by Dr. Nelson in 2006 and is headquartered in Brandon. The nonprofit’s mission is to equip Christlike servant leaders through discipleship and comprehensive training to become able to effectively serve in local church ministry, church planting and missions—both in the United States and around the globe. CCI is currently represented in 34 countries equipping pastors and leaders to build God’s kingdom.
The tour kicked off in the Greater Brandon Area and will conclude in Surprise, New York after 50 days. Dr. Nelson and the national directors from Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar will visit 21 churches as well as multiple ministry partners.
The tour made a stop at Journey Church in Brandon on August 31. The CCI directors recounted their testimonies involving hardships and persecution for their faith. The demand for local pastors in Asia is great, but also is the need to equip and adequately train the local pastors to correctly handle the Word of God. Words of gratitude weaved through each of the testimonies as the directors noted the impact of CCI’s Bible training and resources in multiplying workers for the harvest.
Ric Hesse is the CCI regional director for North America and commented on the tour.
“There’s nothing special about any of these men (seven national directors), but there is a special God that they believe in and that God is able to do special things because they made themselves available,” explained Hesse. “The message we want to be heard is for you to be available and let God do special things through you.”
For additional information or to financially support Crossing Cultures International, please visit https://cciequip.org or call the office at 217-5077. More details of the tour stops can also be found online.