Stacy White, a lifelong resident of Hillsborough County, is running for re-election to the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners. White is a candidate for District 4. This district covers much of Eastern and Southern Hillsborough County. White would like your vote on Tuesday, November 6.
White, a Republican, has deep family roots in Hillsborough County. He is a fifth generation native of Hillsborough County who lives and works in Valrico with his wife and three children. He graduated from East Bay High School, earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Florida and has practiced pharmacy for 21 years.
From 2010-2014, White served the community by serving on the Hillsborough County School Board. Since being a member of the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners, White has been an advocate for managing growth, fixing our infrastructure, working on traffic issues as well as working on the Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program.
“I want to continue to work on land use policy, growth management, road infrastructure and traffic issues,” said White. “I was part of a coalition that passed policy which allowed us to allocate 800 million dollars toward transportation funding over the next 10 years. We did this without raising taxes. We basically changed the fee structure that developers pay, so that they pay more for roads,” added White.
If you do not know what the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners does, just think of them as the Board of Directors for our local government. There are four representatives who are elected according to a geographic area and three who are elected county wide. District 4, which White would like to continue to represent, is a geographic area.
“I have a great deal of experience both in government and professionally, I have served on both the Hillsborough County School Board and the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners. This makes me the right person to represent District 4 for the next four years,” said White.