The Brandon Christian Church, located at 910 Bryan Rd. in Brandon, is excited to once again host its Annual Craft Bazaar on Saturday, December 1 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. The 11th Annual Craft Bazaar will once again feature only hand-crafted items. No commercially produced items are permitted. Attendees are sure to find a perfect little something or the perfect holiday gift.
Betty Dawson is the coordinator for the Annual Craft Bazaar. Dawson said, “There will be both returning vendors and vendors who have never participated in our event.”
Dawson added, “The items that will be featured by our vendors is quite varied from Christmas ornaments, wreaths and other Christmas decorations to glass bottle creations, a wide range of jewelry (including some unique French knitted jewelry, beaded and sea glass jewelry), American Girl doll clothes, wood and acrylic pens, turned wood salt and pepper mills, local honey and bees wax cosmetics, soaps, crocheted baby items and accessories as well as a wide selection of fabric and crocheted items, pet accessories and fused glass art and jewelry.”
Participating vendors receive their booth spaces, assistance setting up, free coffee during setup and assistance taking down booths.
Attendees will love the bake sale items which will include cookies, breads and more. Dawson said, “This year we are adding sausage and biscuits as well as sweet breads as breakfast items. Lunch will include hot dogs, chips and drinks such as water, soda and coffee.”
Fees received from the rental of booth spaces and the sale of baked goods and other food generate funds are used to support the church building.
Dawson explained, “The mission of our church is to change lives through Jesus Christ by sharing the love of God. Part of how we do this is to provide space for a variety of groups in our community to meet.”
There are a variety of groups that use the building. These include six different girl scouts and boy scout troops, and several support and recovery groups. There are approximately 25 group meetings each week. In addition, there are two additional congregations that meet for worship and study throughout the week.
The church provides free programs that are open to the community including crime prevention, cyber security, Social Security for women, time management, advanced care planning and wills and bequests. Visit www.brandonchristianchurch.org.