The SouthShore Regional Library is a great venue for finding art exhibits, classes and much more. The SouthShore Regional Library is conveniently located at 15816 Beth Shields Way in Ruskin.
This month, in the John Crawford Gallery, you can catch a glimpse of the March/April exhibit which will feature the artwork of Norma Gonzalez. The current exhibit features four paintings. Two are acrylic (Sunshine in Santa Fe and Winter). There is one entitled Oia (Greece) which is done in watercolor and acrylics, and the other is called Ocean and it is done in watercolor.
Gonzalez’ small exhibit is surely a prelude to a lovely full exhibit which will be available for viewing in the beginning of March.
Her full exhibit will be up for viewing during the months of March and April. There is a Reception scheduled on March 7 from 6 to 7 p.m.
In addition to Gonzalez’ work, there are four acrylic on canvas paintings created by Cathryn Paulus. She created Cheerleader Bubbles, Anime Girl, Flame Princess and Mermaid. There are four acrylic paintings by Briana Almand. These are called Zora, Hawk Girl, Assassin Creed and Robin.
There is an additional exhibit featuring artwork done pursuant to Title VI (Native American and Alaskan Native Education Initiative). Title VI is a federal law that is applicable in Hillsborough County Public Schools and it ensures that Native American and Alaskan Native students are supported academically.
The students, who participated in the Title VI Exhibit, come from several area schools including East Bay High School, Doby Elementary, Springhead Elementary, Brooks DeBartolo, Progress Village and Mabry Elementary.
The Title VI Exhibit is quite lovely with a wide variety of mediums. There are black and white creations, colorful ones and much more.
The SouthShore Regional Library will be offering a drawing course conducted by artist Tim Gibbons. The first class will be held on February 7 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Melanie Hanson, Library Service & Technology Guide II/ Art Coordinator for the library said, “This is our biggest class. Registration is required.”
Gibbons will teach once a month for the next six months.
For more information on the exhibits and classes at the SouthShore Regional Library, please visit the library’s front desk.