By Leslie Farrell
Registration is now open for Patel Conservatory dance, music and theater summer camps and classes, which begin the week of Monday, June 3.
Nearly 70 camps and classes are offered, most with performance opportunities, for students of all ages and abilities. Camps and classes vary from jazz dance to jazz music, from Shakespeare to Annie to Comedy on Broadway, and from Ukulele Camp to Youth Opera Camp. A complete line up is online at www.patelconservatory.org.
Some summer camps and classes, which are held for all ages and abilities, require auditions. Music auditions will be held on Saturday, March 30; Saturday, April 13; and Tuesday, May 21. Theater auditions will be held on Thursday, March 28; Thursday, April 18; and Friday, May 17. Dancers age 7 and older will attend placement classes to determine which classes are most appropriate. Those younger than seven are not required to attend a placement class. Registration for auditions is required by visiting www.strazcenter.org/auditions or by calling 222-1040.
Nearly $200,000 in scholarships will be awarded for Patel Conservatory camps and classes this summer. Scholarship applications are available online at www.strazcenter.org/financialaid; the priority deadline is Monday, April 8.
The accredited Patel Conservatory offers classes in dance, music and theater for students of all ages and experience levels. Each year, the Patel Conservatory and the Straz Center’s arts education programs enrich the lives of more than 50,000 students in our classrooms, on our stages and through the community.
Events, days, dates, times and prices are subject to change without notice.
Patel Conservatory is located at the Straz Center for the Performing Arts, 1010 N. W.C. Macinnes Pl. in Tampa.