Jeremy Rosado To Perform At Holy Innocents’ Youth Event
The community is invited to the Spring Event of ‘HILL’ (Holy Innocents’ Linking Lives). This inaugural event is being put on by the Holy Innocents’ Youth Group to bring family, friends and neighbors together for a day of fun.
This event, scheduled for Saturday, May 4 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. It will be held on the church grounds with Piggy Palace Food Truck, laser tag, bounce house and slide. There will also be video and dance games and a DJ. In addition to American Idol contestant Jeremy Rosado, dancers from Judy’s Dance Academy will perform.
Bring family, friends and neighbors to enjoy the day at Holy Innocents’, 604 N. Valrico Rd. in Valrico. This is a free event except for food and beverage purchases from the food truck.
For more information, visit hiepiscopal.org or contact the Church Office at 689-3130.
Special Operations Warrior Foundation Check Presentation
On March 14, Congregation Beth Shalom of Brandon presented a check to its partner charity—the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. The money was raised through Beth Shalom’s annual fundraiser last month and will be used to provide college tuition for a child of a fallen Special Forces operator.
The Y Wants To Awaken Summer Imagination At Free Healthy Kids Day®
On Saturday, April 27, the Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA & YMCA of the Suncoast are holding free community events to inspire more kids to keep their minds and bodies active at the annual YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day®, the Y’s national initiative to improve health and well-being for kids and families.
Healthy Kids Day is an opportunity to ignite children’s imaginations so that they can imagine what they will accomplish this summer. The free open houses, hosted at nearly 20 Ys across six Tampa Bay area counties, feature activities such as summer camp games, poolside fun, music, demos, free healthy snacks and visual arts to motivate and teach families how to develop and maintain healthy routines at home throughout the summer months.
The YMCA’s Healthy Kids Day takes place at various locations and features fun, active play and educational activities. Each participating YMCA has more information on the free activities and food offered at its specific location on Healthy Kids Day.
Visit www.ymcatampabay.org/findyour-y/.
Luau Fashion Show Ends Christian Women’s Season
Brandon Christian Women’s Connection’s last luncheon of the season will be a Luau Fashion Show ‘Summer Fun Fashions’ by Bon Worth Fashions on Monday, May 13 at Bell Shoals Baptist Church in its Special Event Center, 2102 Bell Shoals Rd. in Brandon. The luncheon takes place from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
The cost is $15. First time guests pay $10. Come and bring a friend for a fun lunch, entertainment and speaker. This is a nondenominational event and all ladies are welcome. No membership is required. Call Lillie at 740-0098 for reservation and information.
Impact To Host Community Leaders Breakfast
Teen Impact will host a free breakfast for pastors, church leaders and Christian business leaders on Wednesday, May 15 from 7:30-9 a.m. at The Regent. The event is an opportunity to hear more about the positive impact that the organization Impact is making in the community. The local nonprofit educates and empowers teens to make healthy choices by avoiding high-risk behavior.
A few local pastors that will share their experiences with being involved with the program. Networking will begin at 7:30 a.m. with programming at 8 a.m. The purpose is to promote awareness among youth leaders, mission directors and local leaders so that they can promote Impact within their church and organization as well as make a financial plea to keep the program running.
Please register for the breakfast by Monday, May 13 at https://impactbreakfast.eventbrite.com/. The Regent is located at 6437 Watson Rd. in Riverview. For more information on Impact, visit www.whatisimpact.com or its Facebook page @whatisimpact. For further questions, contact Angie Kagey at akagey@whatisimpact.com or 264-9368.