Senior Community Choir Begins In January
A new senior community choir in Riverview is seeking singers with all levels of singing experience. ‘Joyful Voices’ will hold rehearsals every Monday from 1:30-2:30 p.m. beginning Monday, January 27.
“Singing has a way of lifting spirits and stimulating memories,” stated the choir’s music director, Janet Formato.
The idea for the senior community choir came as a result of a number of residents at The Bridges who love to sing. Executive Director Donna Steiermann is excited about the choir.
“In addition to a number of our residents, many seniors from the greater Brandon/Riverview community will be joining us. We especially welcome those with mild cognitive impairment,” explained Steiermann.
Sixty-minute rehearsals will be held at the Cambridge Clubhouse at The Bridges located at 11202 Dewhurst Dr. in Riverview. A spring performance will be held in April. For additional information and to reserve your spot please call 413-8900.
Xi Theta Xi Chapter Supports Various Organizations
The sisters of Xi Theta Xi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi have supported various organizations recently. Nearly $700 was donated to Water Mission to provide safe water to hurricane Dorian victims, complete Thanksgiving dinners were provided to two migrant families and members donated toys and numerous gift cards to Gift of Hope to help make the holidays a little happier for local families.
Chapter socials have included going to the movies and enjoying breakfast or dinner at a local restaurant. For more information, email Diane Wray at dwray52@yahoo.com.
Lindsay Huggins In Concert At Brandon First Church Of The Nazarene
The Brandon First Church of the Nazarene will present Lindsay Huggins in concert on Sunday, January 26. A meet and greet (coffee and snacks provided) will take place at 10:30 a.m. and Music and Message by Lindsay Huggins at 10:45 a.m.
The church is located at 114 Kingsway Ave. in Brandon.
Beth Shalom Partners With Special Operations Warrior Foundation For Charity Gala
Congregation Beth Shalom will partner with Special Operations Warrior Foundation for its annual fundraiser on Feb 22, 2020 from 5:30-10 p.m. This year’s event is a Roaring 20’s Charity Gala with Special Honorary Co-Chairman Congressman Ross Spano.
The evening will feature door prizes, free Gatsby photos, dancing, a delicious buffet dinner and both live and silent auctions. Highlighting the evening is our Speakeasy show, headliner R&B star David Morris, who will perform songs from 1920 to 2020, including songs from his newly released album. There will also be speakeasy dancers to teach the Charleston, so wear your best flapper outfit.
Elks Lodge of Brandon is located at 800 Centennial Lodge Dr. in Brandon. Tickets cost $45 for adults (active military and veterans get 20 percent off), $10 for children ages 5-12 years and are free for children under 5 years. Tickets may be purchased by phone 681-6547 or www.bethshalombrandon.org.
Local Nonprofit Asks Local Community To Support Diaper Drive
Choices, formerly known as the LifeCare Network, is asking the community to help with its January Diaper Drive. The nonprofit seeks to protect the sanctity of life by promoting biblical sexuality and educating new parents. Choices centers also offer a variety of support for expecting mothers and new parents. From pregnancy tests to assistance after the birth, the ministry educates as it provides physical, emotional and spiritual support.
The collection of diapers and wipes helps sustain the Choices centers in Brandon and South Shore for the year. Choices centers provide diapers and baby clothing to families in need through its ‘Earn While You Learn’ program as it builds relationships to share Christ.
The nonprofit is requesting diaper sizes newborn to five with the greatest need for sizes 3, 4, 5 and clothing from sizes newborn to 2T. The ability to ship items directly to its admin office from Amazon is also available.
For more information or to donate, visit www.empoweredtochoose.net or contact Jessica Rickenbach at Jessica@choicesclinics.org or 654-0491.
Seeking Vendors For Lithia Spring Market In March
Vendors are being sought by Grace Community United Methodist Church in Lithia for its first ever Spring Market on Saturday, March 21. Much like the Holiday Market this event, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., is being presented by the Women of Grace. The church is located at 5708 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. in Lithia.
Organizers are seeking vendors to sell a variety of products, such as arts and crafts, jewelry, clothing and more. National companies will be on a first-come, first-served basis. For example, only one Mary Kay representative or one Premier Jewelry vendor will be allowed.
The fee for a 10 ft. x 10 ft. space is $25. Proceeds help support missions in the community. The market will be outdoors, and vendors are asked to provide their own tent, table and chairs. Food will be available for purchase.
Visit www.graceholidaymarket.com, or contact Event Organizer Susan Ferraro at bosefer11@yahoo.com or 361-1724.