Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I wanted to make a difference, be a role model and make an impact in the community in which I live and work. I grew up playing each day from sunup to sundown. I couldn’t wait to get to the park, playing games with my friends for hours on end! It only made sense for me to pursue my dream of becoming a physical education teacher. I could teach others what I love to do, “be physically active!”
What is a goal of yours as a teacher?
As the physical education teacher, my goal is for our students to understand the phrase “Your health is your wealth!” Learning how to be active, stay active, eating healthy and staying drug free is what I promote and model each day for my students to be able to achieve this goal.
Any embarrassing teacher moments you are willing to share?
Being only 5’2”, often I blend right in with the students walking down the halls. There was a student calling out for her friend, when I turned around to see what was going on the student said I thought you were so and so…not realizing it was me!
What is your favorite book and why?
Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy. In the book, Tony Dungy reminds us that strength comes from God and within, and I would need every bit of strength I could muster up.
Is there a quote or saying that you live by?
“There’s NO right way to do wrong!”
Is there anything you would change in our school system?
Kids need to be kids, and they need to have ample time to develop into the future leaders they’re destined to become. Having high academic expectations for our students is extremely important, but it shouldn’t be the sole focus. To be successful means to be ‘well-rounded,’ and we can’t lose sight of the physical, social and emotional aspects of our youth.