FishHawk resident Jeremy Hall is gearing up for his deployment as an army engineer officer serving in the Army Reserve as a battalion commander for the 3rd Battalion, 347th Regiment, 177th Armored Brigade. The married father of four children will be deployed for a year to Fort Bliss, TX to augment the mission of the 5th Armor Brigade.
Hall’s unit plans, coordinates, synchronizes and supports the pre/post-mobilization training and demobilization of Army National Guard and United States Army Reserve units to provide trained and ready forces.
Originally from Minot, North Dakota, Hall and his family moved to FishHawk in August 2013 due to an assignment change with the U.S. Army to MacDill Air Force Base.
Two months ago, Hall started a Facebook page focused on studying the Bible.
“My page is strictly a hobby of mine and not affiliated with any religious organization,” said Hall. “I started the Bible study group to provide our local area with a non-denomination Facebook page where people can come together to encourage one another to study the Bible. My hope is that people from all different Christian denominations will come together to provide reflections on what they are studying in the Bible.”
Hall graduated from the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois in 1996 and has his undergraduate degree in Bible and theology.
“My life has been enriched by getting to know Christians from a multitude of religious backgrounds and I hope that others will experience the same though interacting with others on my Facebook group,” said Hall.
For more information about Hall’s page, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/Central.Florida.Bible.Study.Page/.
In addition to his Bible study group, in October 2016, Hall started a Facebook group focusing on community support to build more playgrounds and recreational facilities in FishHawk Ranch. Since FishHawk is not a town, it lacks the local governance of a city to pull together all the organizational entities needed to build large and innovative projects.
“The inspiration for my idea was the original broken Park Square fountain and the follow up project to replace it,” said Hall. “At the time, I advocated with the FishHawk CDDII to build a playground in Park Square that would have similar equipment features as the Common Ground Playground in Lakeland.”
Hall’s playground Facebook page is still active but has been repurposed.
“My page features posts about FishHawk area parks, preserves, playgrounds, trails and open spaces,” said Hall. “I encourage people to get out and play and enjoy our great local area recreational areas doing unstructured activities.”
Here is the link to his page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Parks.and.Playgrounds.of.FishHawk/about/.
“I really enjoy living in FishHawk Ranch. FishHawk has a lot of people who spend time on various local area Facebook groups,” said Hall. “When I am out in our community and see someone who I have interacted with on Facebook, I introduce myself to them. I view our local Facebook groups as good tools to build a sense of community.”
Hall is now focused on spending as much time as possible with family before his August deployment. To learn more about his mission visit https://www.first.army.mil/divwest/content.aspx?ContentID=5.