By Dylan Quesada
During these hard times of quarantine and social distancing, most people have felt cooped up in their home with not much to do. The Abadi family found a fun and exciting way to get out of the house, get exercise and cure their boredom.
“At the start, I thought this break would be very boring and isolated,” said Adam Abadi. “But then we found Munzee and it gave me something fun to do outside.”
The treasure hunting app known as ‘Munzee’ has helped many people get up and out of the house on real-life treasure hunts. The Abadi family found Munzee from a Facebook post by a friend, and knew that it would help their family of four, with their kids, Adam (12) and Alex (10), during these tough times.
Hunters start by downloading a free app called Munzee, found on the App Store and Google Play. From there, you create an account by providing your email and creating a username and a password. You then find Munzees close to you, which isn’t hard considering there are 9.6 million to date, and follow the compass on your screen to get to the area of the Munzee.
When you are in the virtual bubble of where the hiding spot could be, you begin searching for the physical QR code.
Hunters receive points for finding each Munzee, which are used to advance in levels. There are many different types of Munzees, each with their own point value. Greenie, the most common type of Munzee, earns you about 20 points. But a diamond Munzee, a rare find, earns about 60 points if you capture them.
Adam said, “I think Munzee has changed these tough times of the coronavirus because it gives us something to do during the times where we can’t interact with our friends due to social distancing. I think getting outside and doing activities like Munzee is beneficial during the pandemic because it takes you outside and gives you something to do. You never want to stay inside and sit around, so Munzee is a good way to get out and exercise.”
To learn more about Munzee, visit Munzee.com.