By Kye Saunders, Introduction by Kate Quesada
This summer has been different for students in many ways and the traditional Osprey Observer summer internships are no exception. As usual, the Osprey Observer welcomed a group of talented students as interns, but rather than shadowing reporters and team members in person, the majority of this year’s program took place virtually.
But with weekly Zoom meetings and interviews that took place over the phone and through emails, the students from local high schools and colleges rose to the occasion and provided great content for the papers. We are so thankful they joined us!
Faith Miller
Faith Miller is a recent graduate of Durant High School. She will be attending Florida Southern College in Lakeland as a freshman this fall with plans to major in communications with a concentration in journalism.
Of all the stories that Miller has covered during the course of her internship, her favorite one to write was on Relay For Life, titled ‘Relay For Life Continues To Fundraise Despite Pandemic.’

Anjali Caliguiri will be attending Newsome High School as a senior this fall. She is a member of the Newsome High School Wolf Tracks newspaper staff alongside her friend and now fellow Osprey Observer intern, Jadon Khor.
When asked what drew her to becoming a summer intern at the Osprey Observer, Caliguiri responded, “It sounded like a really great opportunity and I’m so glad Jadon and I got to work together.”
Her first and favorite story can be found on the front page of the July Bloomingdale and FishHawk editions, titled ‘Son’s Vision To Help Mom With Cancer Creates Award Winning Red Velvet Business.’

Lily Belcher
Lily Belcher is among the youngest and brightest of our interns. Belcher will be a junior at Durant High School this fall, where she will step into her new role for Durant’s student newspaper, The Pawprint, as editor-in-chief.
Belcher discovered the summer internship program when our very own publisher and editor, Marie Gilmore, came to Durant’s newspaper class to share experiences as an editor and journalist with the students.
As an avid sports fan, Belcher’s favorite story that she has covered during her time with us is on the Rays’ 2020 season, titled ‘Team Continues Annual Rays Program To Encourage Summer Reading.’

Laura Tamayo
Laura Tamayo is a student at Newsome High School with a passion for reading and writing. She learned about the summer internship program through word of mouth. Tamayo has been covering stories on what makes our community unique with a knack for profiles.
Her favorite story that she was had the chance to write for the Osprey Observer is set to come out in the next coming weeks. Keep your eyes peeled for Tamayo’s story on a secret take-one, give-one mini library right here in our community.

Dominique Asher
Dominique Asher will be a senior at Newsome High School this fall.
When asked how she heard about the internship program, Asher responded, “I found out through the newspaper actually, when I saw an article about the previous interns.”
Her favorite story during her time with the Osprey Observer was her very first assignment. Check out her story, titled ‘Randal Science Students Send Experiment To Space,’ about the team of Randall Middle School kids who participated in a SSEP competition and their science project/entry, ‘Spinach on the Station,’ which won the competition and is set to be launched into space later this year.

Jadon Khor
Jadon Khor will be attending Newsome High School as a senior this fall, where he will continue his work as editor for Newsome’s student-run newspaper, the Wolf Track.
His favorite story that he has written for the Osprey Observer has to be his virtual library and Recreation story titled ‘Hillsborough Parks & Rec Moves Programs to Online Format to Maintain Summer Fun.’
“The library and recreational liaisons were super informative, and it made writing the article even more fun that I thought it would be,” said Khor.

Kye Saunders
Kye Saunders is a Florida State University graduate with a BA in creative writing.
“I’ve always been interested in journalism and this internship has been an incredible opportunity to dip my toe in the water while simultaneously learning more about my own hometown,” said Saunders.
Her favorite story that she was covered so far is titled ‘The Seeds Of Faith Community Garden Gives A Fresh Option For Feeding Families.’
Read more of Saunders’ pieces as well as any by our other interns by visiting
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