By Kye Saunders
The Durant High School FFA (Future Farmers of America) program continues to strive for domination of state and national rankings as members enter another year of competitions with a fresh group of teens ready to make their marks as leaders.
FFA develops members’ potential through hands-on experiences in agriculture and leadership and is a vibrant part of Durant High School’s student body.
One family that has made a big splash in Durant’s FFA chapter this year are the Haxtons, with three siblings all in leadership roles.
Will Haxton (12th grade) is the FFA vice president, Caroline Haxton (10th grade) is a reporter, and Payton Haxton (10th grade) is a parliamentarian.
All three Haxton siblings have been active members of the Durant FFA since their first year in the program.
“The FFA has helped to create a stronger bond between us all, and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” said Caroline.
Her twin, Payton, added, “Being in the FFA with my siblings has made it much more fulfilling to me because I always have someone to be my biggest cheerleader.”
The eldest of the three, Will, explained, “Being able to compete in competitions and participate in events with my sisters has allowed me to push myself to a higher level.”
But FFA isn’t just a family affair, it’s an organization that shapes young people into leaders and is available to high school and middle school students everywhere across the nation.
The Haxton siblings have lots of advice for students who are interested in joining their local chapter.
“Get involved in your chapter’s events,” said Caroline, whereas Payton suggested, “Go all out—do the contests, show an animal and run for office.”
But it is Will that puts it best: “My advice I would give to someone who wants to join FFA would simply be just to do it.”
If you or a student you know would like to be involved in your FFA chapter, you can go online and search for the nearest one to you through the FFA website at www.ffa.org/chapter-locator/.
Stay updated on all things Durant FFA by liking it on Facebook.