The Apollo Beach Woman’s Club (ABWC) has found a way to bring exciting information to its members while keeping safe during the pandemic.
Although the group is not meeting in person this fall because of COVID-19, the September 9 program was shared via the video conferencing platform Zoom.
Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Craig Latimer presented up-to-date voter information about the general election, helping members learn their voting options during the pandemic and answering questions.
The second monthly membership meeting was again held via Zoom on October 14 with 24 participants.
October’s speaker was Archie McKee, a Chinese ceramic and stamp collector who graciously shared his knowledge and experience.
He explained the development of Chinese ceramics throughout China’s long history while sharing examples from his collection, assisted by his wife, Grace, who is also an ABWC member. McKee is a local treasure and used to teach Chinese history classes at the Center 4LifeLearning, formerly named the Community Church College, in Sun City Center and in Freedom Plaza’s graduate program.
These presentations are open to the ABWC members and their guests on the second Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m.
The club will continue to meet via Zoom until January, in which they hope to be able to resume in-person meetings.
The November 11 Zoom program will be a book discussion of Suncoast Empire: Bertha Honore Palmer, Her Family, and the Rise of Sarasota, 1910-1982 by Frank A. Cassell.
The ABWC has been serving the community since 1959. The primary mission is providing scholarships for the education and training of students who live in Apollo Beach and the surrounding areas with demonstrated financial needs.
If you wish to get acquainted with the ABWC, information can be found at www.apollobeachwomansclub.com, and residents are invited to contact Second Vice President of Membership Liz Pedersen at 777-8215 or kenlizpedersen@msn.com.
On the website, you will find information about upcoming meetings, past and latest club (Hibiscus) newsletters and how to join. The ABWC welcomes new members.