High school seniors who attend Greater Brandon area schools (public, private or charter), and who plan to attend college or university in the fall, can apply for one of two scholarships offered by the GFWC Brandon Service League. The scholarships are $1,000 each.
The first is the Reynolds and Claire Bryan Scholarship. This scholarship is named in memory of the late Claire Bryan, who served as president, and her husband for their many contributions to the Club. The second scholarship is the GFWC Brandon Service League Scholarship. Both scholarships are open to graduating seniors who plan to obtain a degree from an accredited college or university in one of many fields of study.
In the past, the scholarships were given to seniors who planned to pursue degrees in either education or the arts.
Judy Darsey, scholarship program chairwoman, said, “We know that this year has been very stressful. We want to help students with college expenses.” Darsey added, “While our emphasis for the scholarships remains with education and the arts, this year we are opening both scholarships as nonspecific. The $1,000 scholarships are intended as a contribution towards tuition, fees or academic course materials.”
Since its inception 115 years ago, the members of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs Florida have been identifying the needs of the community and working toward meeting those needs through community service projects. The GFWC Brandon Service League supports the arts, education, conservation, home life, international outreach and public issues.
The GFWC Brandon Service League began awarding educational scholarships in 1996. Darsey said, “While the program has changed over the years, we work hard to keep the program going. We encourage seniors to look at the scholarships, and if they feel that they qualify, then they should contact their career guidance counselor.”
Seniors can obtain the application by emailing Darsey at jbdarsey@aol.com. She will email all the information that you need to apply. Applicants must submit the application, a personal essay and three references from nonfamily members. Applications must be submitted no later than Saturday, May 15.
For more information on the GFWC Brandon Service League, please visit www.gfwcbrandonserviceleague.org.