By Pastor Jomo Cousins, PhD

Amos 3:3 (NLT):

3 Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?

Before any great venture, business leaders must first agree upon the direction in which they are going. Be sure to know who is driving the bus, who is on the bus and who needs to get off of the bus. Nothing kills momentum in a business organization quicker than people who are out of position.

When evaluating potential business partners, I have learned to consider the following things:

1. Can I trust them?
2. Are we equally yoked? Do we have the same mindset spiritually? Relationally? Do we have the same work ethic?
3. Do their skills complement or complete what I lack?
4. Is there a shared passion for the business idea?
5. Is the potential partner open, honest and transparent about information, including personal information?
6. What’s their track record? Have they had other successful ventures? Do they quit too soon or get frustrated easily?
7. Can we disagree and still be productive?

On an annual basis, I make evaluations of the associations I have in order to determine how productive or fruitful our partnerships are. Time is finite. We must be judicious about who we spend it with. People are like elevators—they can take you up or take you down.

Father God, I pray for the wisdom and discernment to choose the proper associations, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Except from: 60 Prayers in 60 Seconds, Page 10.

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