The Brandon League of Fine Arts (BLFA) is offering all local artists an opportunity to enter new artwork in its annual art show called Artworks 2021. The show will be held at Center Place, located at 619 Vonderburg Dr. in Brandon, from Monday, August 30 to Thursday, September 30.
Interested artists are invited to submit new work to be considered for inclusion in the show. Artwork should be brought to Center Place on Friday, August 27 between 9:30 a.m.-12 Noon. A judge will jury the artwork. If accepted, artwork will be eligible for awards of over $1,000. Artists will be notified by 3 p.m. if they are not accepted, and artwork must then be picked by 5 p.m. that day.
Artists may enter up to two pieces. Artworks that will be considered can be 2D or 3D. The entry fee for nonmembers of the BLFA is $35 for the first entry and $45 for two. For members, the first entry is $25 or $35 for two. Artists can join the BLFA for just $35 per year.
Christopher Klein is president of the BLFA.
Klein said, “We are thrilled to bring back the Artworks Show to Center Place.” Klein added, “This is a chance for all artists out there to try their hand at exhibiting their work. I try all the time to enter shows. It keeps the creative juices flowing and gives some structure to my art making process. I sometimes need the push to finish up and frame pieces that would normally sit in the corner of my studio.”
Klein and the BLFA want to encourage younger artists to enter the show.
Klein said, “We are hoping for younger participants to experience the rigors of the acceptance or rejection that true competition gives. I have been rejected from shows and it has strengthened my resolve to paint at a higher level. Acceptance is always nicer, but we all had to start somewhere to learn the rigors of the game. If you are accepted, it makes the experience different, but it is part of a very old and solid process.”
For more information and to download the entry form, please visit www.blfa.us.