More than 600 attendees are expected to gather together for breakfast, prayer, worship and fellowship at All Pro Pastors’ first annual Central Florida Leadership Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, September 15 at the Strawberry Festival Grimes Center in Plant City.
This special event is organized by Paul Pickern, founder of All Pro Pastors. In 2003, Pickern founded this nonprofit organization to provide a platform for pastors to come together, support each other and find accountability. He is organizing this breakfast for church, community, civic, government and business leaders that may need something they can get engaged in that is uplifting, inspiring and gives a message of hope during the challenges of today.
“This is our first event like this that we are leading the way on,” said Pickern. “We have done several in partnership in the past in Tampa and they were very successful. We felt that, as an international ministry home based in Plant City, Florida, that it was time for us to put something on with a greater outreach to Central Florida.”
Both Lt. General Jerry Boykin (Ret.) and Mike Lindell, president and CEO of MyPillow, will be sharing their amazing stories at the All Pro Pastors Prayer Breakfast.
Boykin was one of the original members of the U.S. Army’s Delta Force. He was privileged to ultimately command these elite warriors in combat operations. Later, he commanded all the Army’s Green Berets as well as the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.
Lindell is a former drug addict who is now an American success story, becoming a successful entrepreneur and outspoken Christian.
“Our emphasis is on presenting a powerful gospel message to many who are not followers of Christ, but who would come to listen to compelling notable speakers,” said Pickern. “This traditionally is a great way for pastors/churches to get men who won’t come to church to come hear the word. Which is exactly why we are doing this, to bring the lost to Jesus.”
The Leadership Prayer Breakfast is looking for table sponsors. Table sponsors can secure a table of eight for $500. There are three levels of sponsorships: silver, gold and platinum. Title sponsors and other sponsors include Lighthouse Ministries, Fred’s Market Restaurant, Refuge on the Ridge, Believers’ Fellowship, Florida Marketplace Ministry and Seffner Christian Academy.
“Many people are living in fear, anger, hopelessness and defeat today. They do not know who they can trust,” said Pickern. “At this breakfast, they will hear a message that can calm all their fears, soothe their anger and give them hope and victory.”
Doors open at 6:15 a.m., with breakfast served by Fred’s Market Restaurant. The program is from 7-9 a.m. The breakfast is being held at the Florida Strawberry Festival Charlie Grimes Family Agricultural Center at 2508 W. Oak Ave. in Plant City. Parking is free. For more information on attending and table sponsorship, visit www.allpropastors.org.