By Brian Bokor
Hillsborough County recently communicated plans of installing new traffic signals at the northeast, northwest and southeast quadrants of the Big Bend Rd. at Summerfield Crossings Blvd. intersection in Riverview. Plans for this project as well as details regarding other Hillsborough County transportation improvements are made available for public input and review on the Hillsborough County Engagement Hub website, www.publicinput.com/hcengage.
In addition to signalizing the intersection, several other improvements will be made to the roadway, including extending and resurfacing turn lanes, adding curb ramps and pavement markings as well as creating crosswalks on all four corners of the intersection. Sidewalks will be installed on Summerfield Crossing Blvd. in front of the fire station on the southeast side as well as along the vacant parcel next to Tire Choice on the northwest side.
Impacts for residents and commuters in the area will include utility relocations and installations in the corridor along with normal construction noise caused by heavy equipment and excavation. Intermittent lane closures may occur throughout construction. Safe access to homes and businesses will be maintained. Construction is expected to begin later this year, with all associated work scheduled to be complete by mid-2022.
When asked about the decision to add traffic signals at this intersection, Sandra Gonzalez. P.E., design manager for Hillsborough County’s Capital Programs Department, replied that the “installation of traffic signals will alleviate congestion on both sides of Summerfield Crossing Blvd. as well as the auxiliary lanes on Big Bend Rd. The project is designed to improve access as well as pedestrian, bicycle and motorist safety by incorporating Vision Zero principles such as ADA-compliant sidewalks.”
The total estimated cost for the project currently stands at just over $1.4M. The project manager for Capital Improvement Project #69679027 is Pierre Valles, and he can be reached at 635-5400.