With our crazy busy schedules, it’s easy to allow our stressings to outweigh our blessings, isn’t it?

So, during this season of Thanksgiving, let’s spend a little time intentionally expressing gratitude to the Creator of all good things. Here are a few suggestions for which to give thanks (feel free to add to the list):

• Papa God (who loves and cherishes me more than any earthly father ever could).
• Jesus (I can never be thankful enough for what He did on the cross for me).
• Family (even the nuts in my batter).
• Health (focusing on what still works instead of what doesn’t).
• Food on my table (maybe even a little too much, according to my scale).
• My church (what would I do without my fellowship of believers?).
• Friends (my life preservers in the stress-pool of life).
• Fun (sooo grateful for the zest in life that makes me happy!).
• My country (sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing!).
• God-fearing political leaders (the people who shape our nation’s culture).
• Church leaders (pray for strength, wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s guidance).
• My bed (no bedbugs).
• Clothes (a size smaller would be good, too!).
• My pets. I adore my little furry friends.
• Papa God’s big, beautiful world (mountains, woods, lakes, seashores, plains, deserts … all incredible!).
• Giblets [shudder]. Who thought of chopping up bird guts into perfectly good gravy, anyway? Well, they slide down a lot better when we’re thankful.

I hope these suggestions kick-start you toward an attitude of gratitude this Thanksgiving.

“What a beautiful thing, God, to give thanks,” (Psalm 92:1, MSG).

Prayer: Dearest Provider of all my needs, thank You. For everything. You make my heart sing. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for all Your many blessings. Amen.

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Debora Coty
Debora M. Coty is an inspirational speaker and award-winning author of over 40 books, including including the best-selling Too Blessed to Be Stressed series. Visit Debora at www.DeboraCoty.com