When I was younger, I loved everything about Easter. I loved the Easter egg hunts, the chocolate bunnies and the family celebrations with ham and deviled eggs. But, as I grew older and matured in my Christian faith, I began to realize the real significance of Easter. Without a doubt, Easter is the most important celebration as a Christian.
This special day honors the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After His crucifixion, death and burial, three days later, He rose from the grave, conquered death and redeemed us from sin. His resurrection means eternal life is granted to all who believe in Him. As Christians, we know this is the highest of holy days in the church.
If you are a new Christian or maybe need a refresher on the significance of Easter, these books about Easter will be a great way to encourage yourself and others to celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice. Peace be with you, and Happy Easter.
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die
By John Piper
This book is an amazingly in-depth look at the sacrifice of Jesus. The most important questions anyone can ask are: Why was Jesus Christ crucified? Why did he suffer so much? What has this to do with me? This book will explore 50 purposes in answer to the most important question that each of us must face: What did God achieve for sinners like us in sending His Son to die?
The Case for Easter
By Lee Strobel
This book is an ‘investigation’ into Christ’s death and answers three crucial questions that seekers ask: Was Jesus’ death a sham? Was His tomb really empty? Was He seen alive after His death on the cross? Strobel’s award-winning skills as a legal journalist will persuade even the most hard-boiled skeptics to reconsider Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Easter Matters: How the Resurrection of Jesus Changes You
By Anna Nash and Katy Shelton
In this devotional book, readers will explore the 21 chapters in the gospel of John during the Easter season. Discover the way Jesus related to those around Him, see pictures of the way He relates to His followers and learn how Christians are formed in His image. Celebrate by focusing on the Savior’s life, death and resurrection during the Easter season and beyond.
A Time to Grow: Lenten Lessons from the Garden to the Table
By Kara Eidson
From Eden to Gethsemane, to the garden in which Jesus was buried and raised, our own stories of faith wander through much fertile soil. In our current world of fast food and to-go meals, we often don’t make time to break bread together. This book encourages readers to slow down, move through the painstaking process of growth and end together with great feasting and celebration of the resurrection and how that faith can lead us all to feast at the table on Easter morning.
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