A local school’s JROTC recently received support from a long-standing community organization.
According to LTC (R) Dave Dietz, senior army JROTC instructor at Sumner High School, veteran organizations Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) Chapter 787 and American Legion Post 246 recently presented checks to the Cadets of Sumner High School JROTC.
Veterans Bill Wilcox and Tim Pennell, both retired U.S. Army, and James Haney, retired USMC, all worked together to present the cadets these charitable funds.
“Cadets are extremely thankful for the support that was given to their JROTC program,” said Dietz. “The donations received from the VVA and the American Legion will be used to assist with funding the cadets upcoming Military Ball, as well as upcoming drill competitions and uniforms. Not only do these organizations support cadet objectives and goals, but they also aid in developing America’s future.”
Dietz explained that he hopes this will be the start of a relationship between the school and the groups.
“Sumner JROTC seeks to support the American Legion, VVA, MOWW and other veteran organizations for years to follow,” he said. “Cadets will assist these important organizations with color guard teams, the placement and retrieval of flags at burial sites for both Memorial Day and Veterans Day.”
He believes relationships like these enrich the program for students and the community.
“Community service like this enables cadets to obtain life skills and experience while providing a great service to our community and its veterans,” said Dietz. “Community service is a tenet of our budding program and offering this type of community service will further promote citizenship while [cultivating] benevolence amongst our young cadets.”
For more information on Sumner High School JROTC, contact the Dietz at 704-0175 or david.dietz@hcps.net.