PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families and allies. With over 400 chapters and 200,000 members and supporters crossing multiple generations of families in major urban centers, small cities and rural areas across America, PFLAG is committed to creating a world where diversity is celebrated and all people are respected, valued and affirmed.
The organization started a Riverview chapter over a year ago.
“We originally started as just a book club a little over a year ago,” Jodi Jacobs Chadwell, vice president of the Riverview chapter of PFLAG. “We really were just reading books on the LGBTQ+ community to educate ourselves and build relationships within our community.”
The organization is planning on hosting an Alice in Wonderland-themed LGBTQ+ prom on Friday, June 17 of this year.
“The theme is ‘Join us down the rabbit hole for a night in Wonderland,’” said PFLAG President Faith Moller. “The students say, ‘No prom king or queen. We are all royalty here.’ This inclusive youth pride prom … will be held at The Regent in Riverview on June 17. This will be a safe affirming space for all. Tickets are $30.”
The prom ideas came about from the group’s Zoom meetings. “It was actually the idea of a local teacher on one of our Zoom meetings,” Moller said.
The prom is for 14 to 20-year-olds.
“We wanted to include the classes of 2020 and 2021 who had to miss their proms due to COVID,” Moller said. “You do not have to be a student; you can live anywhere and attend. On the committee, we have students and teachers from Leonard High School, Freedom High School, Plant City High School, Spoto High School and even Dixie Holland High School in St. Pete.”
Moller and Chadwell hope the community will come and show their support for the LGBTQ+ youth in our community.
“We want as many LGBTQ+ youth to know about this prom,” Moller said, “even the ones who have not chosen to come out yet. I want them to know that there are people who see them and are working towards making this a safe and inclusive world for them.”
To learn more, visit www.facebook.com/events/1018977095709375.