Operation Lotus, a nonprofit organization that supports families working to overcome tragedies, is helping a local family whose house caught fire on July 4. Spencer Baker and his family lost their home in FishHawk but, through the generosity of their community, are getting back on their feet.
Founder Melanie Brockmeier-Jordy was contacted by the Bakers’ neighbor, Kelly Bradin, the morning after the family lost their house in the fire. She had heard about Operation Lotus from other residents who had been supported by the nonprofit in the past and hoped Brockmeier-Jordy and her team could help the Baker family.
Operation Lotus quickly began raising money to allow the family to purchase immediate needs, such as clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc. All the donations given through Operation Lotus have gone directly to the family and will continue to be given as the community donates their money to help the Bakers.
“The outpouring of donations in the first 48 hours [was] incredible. It was one of our most successful fundraisers for a family,” said Brockmeier-Jordy. “The community was so generous. We plan to continue to support the Baker family in every way possible moving forward.”
Bradin and her family are allowing the Bakers and their dogs to stay with them until they can find temporary housing. Davenport’s Daily Delights gave the family a gift certificate to allow them access to food and Operation Lotus has partnered with Ashley Furniture as well to give the Baker family furniture.
“Spencer Baker wanted to make sure it was conveyed how much he and his family have been overwhelmed and grateful for the generosity of our community,” Brockmeier-Jordy said on behalf of the Baker family. “He wants to thank the Hillsborough County Fire and Rescue Department for how they responded, and how Operation Lotus started pouring relief in right away.”
Donations to the Baker family can be sent via cash or check to 15509 Avocetview Ct., Lithia, Florida 33547. Operation Lotus is also accepting monetary donations through Venmo, PayPal, and Cash App with ‘Baker Family’ in the memo line.
For more information on Operation Lotus and the organization’s mission to restore hope to the community after tragedies, visit Facebook page @operationlotus.