Kerin Clakin is the owner of The Kerin Group and your point of contact for any hole-in-one contest questions or other event needs.

By Sydney Burken

Kerin Clarkin, also known as Mr. Riverview, is doing it once again. That is, he has partnered with Summerfield Crossings Golf Club to throw a hole-in-one golf contest on Friday, September 16 from 5:30-10 p.m. where participants will have the chance to win a huge cash prize.

Clarkin’s goal behind the hole-in-one contest is to bring continuous fun to the community at no cost. The first 100 people to sign up get a chance to go for a hole-in-one, and the winner will earn a huge cash prize. If no player is able to make a hole-in-one, everyone, player or not, will be able to play closest-to-the-pin, and the winner will receive a special surprise. During this event, there will be food and drinks available for purchase in the clubhouse.

The Summerfield Crossing hole-in-one tournament is not the first event Clarkin has thrown with Summerfield Crossings Golf Club. His main goal behind each event thrown is to bring fun and free activities for families to take part in and children to enjoy. In previous years, Clarkin has done Christmas toy giveaways, food truck events and Connect Four events in the hopes of bringing enjoyable entertainment and functions to the Riverview community.

Not only has he partnered up with Summerfield Crossing Golf Club, but he has also done so with the YMCA for an extreme Easter egg hunt in the past and is currently teaming up with ‘On Bikes,’ a charity in Tampa that builds bikes for children in need.

He also runs a Food and Fun Blog called Fun Tampa that covers all kinds of food, drinks and activities available in Riverview, Tampa, Clearwater and other areas. The purpose behind his blog is to help more people be aware of the functions and great food being offered around and outside the Riverview community.

“There are two goals to doing these kinds of events — one is to continuously get our community together and to have fun. I am just trying to provide as much fun and excitement to our community as I can,” said Clarkin.

Summerfield Crossing Golf Club is located at 13050 Summerfield Blvd. in Riverview. For more information on how to sign up for the hole-in-one tournament or other events and projects Clarkin is a part of, please visit, check out his Facebook page at ‘The Kerin Group,’ email or call 813-699-1800.

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