Tampa Dynamo FC is a nonprofit club residing at two locations. Its main campus is at Summerfield Sports Complex in Riverview and its second location is at Keith Waller Park in Dover.
The club has provided opportunities in both competitive and recreational soccer to the community for many years now.
“Just last year there was a complete change in the board of directors with a renewed interest to bring soccer to the areas surrounding both parks and provide programs for all levels of play,” said Chris Farnworth of Tampa Dynamo FC. “Sometimes there can be too much of a focus by clubs on the competitive programs when getting as many kids as possible out on the fields, learning the game and having fun should be the goal.”
Farnworth first became involved with the Tampa Dynamos three years ago after moving to the area with his family from Manchester, England.
“I was keen to be involved with Tampa Dynamo, as it had the opportunity to serve as a key figure in our local community,” Farnworth said. “I was looking to be involved with a club that was providing players and families a great environment to develop and now it is an amazing thing to be a part of our Dynamo Family.”
The Dynamos are currently gearing up for their registration and they are looking to the community for players who want to have fun.
“We want any kids and adults in the community that have an interest in playing the beautiful game of soccer and to know they have a place to play,” Farnworth said. “Our recreational programs, both youth and adult, are designed to be for all levels of play. A kid playing for the first time is just as welcome as a kid that has been in the programs for multiple seasons. An adult with interest playing can join our adult recreational program to play and meet others in the community.”
The league has a competitive program that is being rebuilt and has made amazing strides in just the last year.
“We nearly doubled our number of competitive teams from last season to now and are always looking to provide opportunities to kids that are looking for that professional-led training the program provides,” Farnworth said.
Farnworth has high hopes for the Tampa Dynamos.
“We hope to continue our great work within the local community providing an affordable program to as many players as possible,” Farnworth said. “We want to see growth in numbers while maintaining our family atmosphere. Our staff, our board, our coaches know many of the families in the programs because they take the time to meet them and talk to them. Most importantly, we want Tampa Dynamo FC to be a club that people can be proud to represent.”
If you would like to learn more about Tampa Dynamo, you can visit its website at www.tampadynamofc.com.