Hillsborough County operates several senior centers throughout the county. Its newest, and hopefully a model for future senior centers is the Wimauma Senior Center located at 16621 Lagoon Shore Blvd. in Wimauma.
The Wimauma Senior Center, in its new location, opened in December 2022. It is much bigger and offers a wide range of services for residents 50 years and older.
What makes the Wimauma Senior Center unique and a model for the future is that it is the first one co-located with a health-care provider. The Suncoast Community Health Center’s location there is a full-service health-care clinic.
Mary Jo McKay is nutrition wellness manager for the Wimauma Senior Center and has been with Hillsborough County for 27 years.
McKay said, “I visited a center in Texas and they had a clinic. A lot of attendees would go back and forth. This is what we want when we give them information on healthy living. Some seniors have limited transportation access, so having it all in one place works best.”
The Wimauma Senior Center is a one-stop shop for wellness. Seniors can get information on nutrition and engage in physical activities and benefit from socialization; plus, it’s a great place for active seniors.
According to McKay, “Activities are driven by the seniors who attend. We structure the activities per their interests. For instance, last week several people asked about playing pool, so we are going to get a pool table.”
The Wimauma Senior Center offers congregate dining, group exercises, fitness instructors, dance classes and special events, along with games such as bingo, dominos and mahjong. The center will have field trips and even cooking demonstrations. Its activities and fitness center are offered at no cost.
Seniors 60 and older can register to get regular hot meals served at 11:30 a.m. There is no cost for the meals, but donations are accepted.
McKay said, “This center is a model going forward in Hillsborough County. Seniors can stay engaged, active and make friends.”
The Wimauma Senior Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Since the center is driven by those who attend, the county will consider additional or different hours if there is a demand for it.
For more information, please call 813-285-8863 or visit www.hcflgov.net/aging.