Hillsborough County offers scholarships to students who wish to pursue their postsecondary education. Students who qualify may apply for Hillsborough County’s Community Action Board Scholarship.
Applications are available now and may be accessed by visiting www.hillsboroughcounty.org/en/residents/social-services/education-and-training/action-folder/apply-for-a-scholarship. The deadline to apply is Friday, March 24.
The scholarships are worth up to $5,000 and can be used at trade schools, community colleges or four-year universities. The scholarships are awarded to students to help alleviate some of their financial burden of tuition so they can focus on furthering their education, not bills.
All applicants must meet certain criteria to be eligible for a 2023 Community Action Board Scholarship. Applicants must be between 16-24 years old, have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent (16-year-olds may apply if they are a graduating senior), have a minimum GPA of 2.0, reside in Hillsborough County and have a household income which falls within 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG).
Students seeking a master’s degree or a second bachelor’s degree do not qualify.
Eligibility guidelines are subject to change based on grant requirements.
The Community Action Board provides recommendations for the development, planning, implementation and evaluation of Community Services Block Grant funds and other programs that serve the low-income residents and communities of Hillsborough County.
Pat Simmons, a member of the board, said, “I love being able to reward these students that have overcome hardships and help them realize their dream of taking their education to the next level. Of all the things we do, the scholarship program is the one that I am most proud of by serving on the board.”
It is highly recommended that applicants read through the full 2023 Community Action Board Scholarship Application Package before applying online to ensure all documents are complete and requirements are met. A full list of required documents can be found in the application package.
Students can apply online. For questions about online applications or missing information, please call 813-272-5220.