The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay provides 24-hour support to everyone in the community. Whether you are struggling with sexual assault or abuse, domestic violence, financial distress or some other emotional or situational distress, the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay connects people to hope, help and healing.
You can reach the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay simply by dialing 211.
Clara Reynolds, CEO of the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, said, “We work with 1,700 agencies who provide 3,000 social services for residents of Hillsborough County. We will listen to the problem or situation and provide you with the resources that can help. If you have a specific need, we may even be able to provide you with a specific name and contact.”
If an agency receives government funding (city, county, state or federal), it is required to provide up-to-date contact information to the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay.
A good example of the help you can receive by dialing 211 would be this: If you have lost your job and are experiencing difficulty paying your rent or even buying groceries to feed your family, the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay can provide you with information about local resources, such as a food pantry like ECHO, or connect you with an organization that helps with financial difficulties.
If you call 911, the fire department will come and assess the situation. If you need to be transported to the hospital, the fire department personnel will contact the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, which will then get you to the hospital.
Similarly, if law enforcement is called for a mental or psychiatric problem that requires involuntary support, law enforcement will call the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay to facilitate transport to a facility.
If someone experiences sexual assault, it is the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay that conducts the rape test and can provide trauma counseling.
There is also a new hotline: 988. This is specifically for those dealing with a mental crisis or suicide. The caller will be connected with a therapist for support.
The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay has been a part of the community for 50 years. It is your connection point in times of crisis.