Once again, it is the first Tuesday of the month in Kings Point. And once again, thanks to the kind invitation and support of Vesta’s Matthew Permuth, Mabel Corcuera and Eddie Jacobs, Our Lady’s Pantry was invited to host a food drive on April 4.
“We appreciate this opportunity to restock our shelves with food,” said pantry director Tom Bullaro. “In fact, most of the donations collected in Kings Point on April 4 were probably in our families’ homes by the following Saturday, April 8. All in all, we received an estimated 3,000 pounds of food, plus monetary donations as well.”
According to Bullaro, the pantry’s supply of unexpired, nonperishable foods is low right now because of more individuals and families coming for food all the time, so donations are always welcome — and needed.
If you wish to donate, you can bring food donations directly to the pantry on Tuesday or Friday mornings. The pantry is located in the classroom building on the far right-hand corner of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission campus, just south of Sun City Center Blvd., at 16650 U.S. Hwy. 301 S. in Wimauma.
Some easy-to-grab-and-donate food ideas are: pasta; boxed macaroni and cheese; sauces; canned food, such as tuna, chicken, beef stew, soup, beans, potatoes, vegetables, tomatoes and fruit; dried fruit; cake mix; crackers; cookies; rice; peanut butter; jelly; nuts; snacks (granola bars, individually wrapped candy and chips); condiments (salad dressing, ketchup and mayo); coffee, tea and cocoa; microwave popcorn; pie crusts; cereal; pop tarts; and drinks (juice, pop and water).
“We thank Kings Point residents for their care of those less fortunate than themselves,” said Bullaro. “We also thank pantry volunteers Karen, Mike, Joyce, Helen, Rhonda, Geri, Lyle and Doug for helping to make this food drive a success. Our Lady’s Pantry looks forward to being invited to Kings Point again, one day next fall.”
Our Lady’s Pantry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, run entirely by volunteers. If you are part of a neighborhood or group that would like to include Our Lady’s Pantry as a project, to volunteer or learn more about the pantry, please visit www.ourladyspantry.com or email tom@ourladyspantry.com.