On July 15, Tom and Judy O’Kane received a new roof on their Valrico home. As a result of a grant from the My Safe Florida Home program and the generosity of several industry partners, the roof was replaced for free.
Reroof America supplied the labor, GAF Roofing and Gulfeagle Supply provided the materials and The Deft Group coordinated logistics and necessary upgrades to meet Florida wind code requirements.
Both O’Kanes are cancer survivors, and Tom is a Vietnam War veteran.
The much-needed new roof replaced the roof from 2004 and was provided just ahead of hurricane season. During the installation, Reroof America hosted a community cookout for the neighborhood and provided hurricane preparedness information. Bringing the neighbors together was also a heartwarming way to honor Tom and his military service.
“It is our honor to provide a much-needed service to those who have served our country or have bravely fought cancer. Our goal is to make a positive impact on their lives and show them appreciation and support for all they have done for our community,” said Brad Strandberg, a manager for Reroof America.
Tom served in the United States Air Force from April 1967 to August 1975. He completed three tours in Southeast Asia, including being sent to Korea in response to the Pueblo crisis. He achieved the rank of staff sergeant in less than four years and was Airman of the Month in October 1968. His other honors include a letter of commendation for best load crew member for all the PACAF (Pacific Air Forces) while servicing as load crew chief in the 8th Tactical Fighter Wing and a Certificate of Weapons Load Crew Chief from the 35th Tactical Fighter Wing.
Tom and Judy have been married for 42 years and have lived in Florida since 2008. This year has been difficult with Judy due to having a double mastectomy. The O’Kanes are exceedingly thankful that Judy is in remission. The free roof replacement and community support has filled their hearts with gratitude.
“It’s God’s gift that something like this happens. We are really grateful for GAF for donating the shingles and Reroof America for doing all the work and for Gulfeagle delivering all the materials,” Tom said.