If you are interested in studying or enhancing your knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, then you should investigate the great offering of classes provided by the Center 4Life Learning, located at the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. The fall semester starts on Tuesday, October 3.
All courses offered at the Center 4Life Learning are nonaccredited. The nonaccredited adult education is an outreach program that serves the entire community. You do not need to be a member of the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center in order to participate.
Sue Holter with the Center 4Life Learning said, “Our classes are educational, creative and fun. This fall’s curriculum includes the ever-popular conversational Spanish, current event discussion, finance, art, sign language, genealogy, travel presentations, history, wellness classes.”
Holter added, “Our new classes include The Art of Storytelling, Artificial Intelligence, Befriending the Ending, Modern Quilling and Be Prepared (for weather disasters). All courses are taught by highly qualified instructors from the local community.”
In addition to offering classes that you can take, the Center 4Life Learning is a place for seasoned and experienced instructors to teach classes.
Holter said, “We are always on the lookout for new instructors. We have an urgent need for Spanish instructors. Our Spanish class was sold out on the very first day of registration.”
“In addition to our classes, we offer day bus trips to entertaining and informative venues. Examples of this include dinner cruises and stage presentations to performances such as The Nutcracker,” she added.
The Center 4Life Learning was first established in 1976 as the Community Church by the United Community Church. In 2019, it was moved to United Methodist Church of Sun City Center and the name was changed to Center 4Life Learning.
The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center campus is located at 1971 Haverford Ave. in Sun City Center.
Registration for the 2023 fall classes and trips can be made by visiting the Center 4Life Learning website at www.sccumc.com/4lifelearning. You can also register by coming into the Center 4Life Learning office, which is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.