The Plant City Arts Council will present its 36th annual At Home for the Holidays Home Tour on Sunday, December 10 from 1-4:30 p.m. The At Home for the Holidays Home Tour will feature five festively decorated homes. Four homes are conveniently located in Plant City and one is in Dover. Tickets for the event are $30 per person.
In addition to the tour, the Plant City Arts Council will offer refreshments at the Plant City Photo Archives located at 106 S. Evers St. in historic downtown Plant City. Refreshments are included in the cost of your ticket.
Maggie Carlisle, chair for the 2023 At Home for the Holidays Home Tour, said, “This is the Arts Council of Plant City’s 36th annual tour. All proceeds are used for the Arts Council projects. The projects are focused especially for scholarships to graduating seniors who want to continue their education in the arts from three of our local high schools.”
Last year, approximately 250 people toured the homes on view. I went on the tour. Every home had its own personality and was decorated in the most festive fashion. I would highly recommend attending the tour this year.
The mission of the Plant City Arts Council is to bring arts to the Plant City community, to promote education in the arts and to develop artists and arts programs.
The high school scholarships are given to seniors from Durant High School, Plant City High School and Strawberry Crest High School. Applications can be obtained from the school’s guidance counselor in March. Awards are made at the end of the year assembly at each school.
In addition to the scholarships, the Plant City Arts Council sponsors a variety of community events. These include the annual Seward sculptures, banners on light poles in downtown Plant City, Empty Bowls, youth development, field trips for underprivileged children and the Reflections Project at Plant City High School.
For more information on the 36th annual At Home for the Holidays Home Tour and to get tickets, please contact Carlisle at mcarlisle@trinkle-law.com or call 813-763-1686.
For more information about the Plant City Arts Council, please visit www.plantcityarts.com.