From counseling to a friendly smile, Sasha Fowler recognizes that not only are the needs of every high school student different, but also it often only takes a willing hand to begin making a difference in their lives. In fact, she believes that the key to boosting GPAs and improving classroom attendance is linked to providing a safe and supportive space for students.
While Fowler had begun teaching at Brandon High School in 2017, she founded BLOOM Girls Club Inc. at the school during the 2020-21 school year. BLOOM Girls Club is a nonprofit dedicated to providing female students with community service opportunities, leadership conferences and career-planning sessions, both to recognize and prepare these girls for the next stage of their lives. While the club began with six students, this year the club has 67 girls on its roster.
“Now, BLOOM Girls Club is at a place where we’re doing summer leadership retreats. We are doing three to four field trips a year,” said Fowler. “… We also do monthly sisterhood events, so it’s an opportunity for every girl to really embrace our diversity, our backgrounds, our different paths that we’re on and come together and just have a good time.”
To ensure these opportunities remain accessible to its members, the BLOOM Girls Club is hosting its first annual BLOOM Gala on Sunday, May 19, from 5-9 p.m. The event will be held at the Winthrop Barn Theatre located at 11349 Bloomingdale Ave. in Riverview. Tickets are available online at www.bloomgirlsclub.org/events/bloom-gala.
Admission to the BLOOM Gala includes appetizers, a full dinner, and entertainment. The event is set to include several female guest speakers, one of which is a 2022-23 graduate of Brandon High School and former member of BLOOM; currently a student at the University of North Florida, she will be discussing her own success story during the event.
One senior will also be awarded with a scholarship at this event. Submitted applications were evaluated by Fowler and a panel that included one teacher, one student success coach and one administrator to select a senior club member. Additionally, other awards recognizing community service hours and high GPAs will be presented to members during the ceremony.
Thrilled at all that the BLOOM Girls Club has accomplished during the last four school years, Fowler remains thankful of the role she continues to play in her students’ lives.
“I can’t give them a place to live, you know. I can’t pay their bills. But I can at least try to give them an experience that can make them smile, that can fill their cup — even if it’s for a moment,” said Fowler. “And that is the most rewarding thing about this club.”
For more information, please visit www.bloomgirlsclub.org.