‘Exceptional,’ ‘the hardest worker,’ ‘responsible,’ ‘determined,’ ‘organized,’ ‘highly driven to succeed,’ ‘the most dedicated,’ ‘natural leader,’ ‘unwavering commitment to learning’ and ‘great energy’ are just a few of the words and phrases used in the recommendations to describe the Apollo Beach Woman’s Club (ABWC) 2024 college scholarship recipients. This year, ABWC awarded $14,100 in college scholarships to 11 local high school students: four from East Bay High School, five from Lennard High School and two from Sumner High School.
The scholarships were funded by fundraisers, club members/family memorials and donations from the Estate of Betty Fay, Eileen Sengstock (in memory of her daughter) and Zeta Kappa Sorority (in memory of Sonja Davidson). Recipients attending a four-year Florida university received $1,500 and Hillsborough Community College students received $700 for tuition, books and lab fees. The recipients, their family members and their guidance counselors were honored at the ABWC May 8 luncheon held at the Moose Lodge in Ruskin.
All applicants must meet the club’s scholarship criteria: They must reside in Apollo Beach (33572) and/or be zoned to attend either East Bay or Lennard High School; plan to attend a Florida college or university; show financial need; have outstanding scholastic accomplishments, extracurricular activities and leadership roles; have two recommendations; write a 500-word student essay and have community service hours.
The college scholarships were awarded to these students: Jhada Camacho (University of South Florida, premed), Nancy Chen (Florida State University, biological sciences), Shawn Dowe (Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, political science/military science) and Landon Hernandez (Hillsborough Community College, fire science) from East Bay High; Alexis Behnken (University of Florida, nursing), Jade Cheong (University of Florida, biology/premed), Jaylee Cheong (University of Florida, kinesiology), Isabella Coronel (University of Florida, biology/premed) and Kathryn Huard (University of Tampa, international studies) from Lennard High; and Ryan Mercer (Hillsborough Community College, construction management) and Nicolas Mercer (Hillsborough Community College, health sciences) from Sumner High.
ABWC has served the community since 1959. The club’s primary objectives are to promote sociability among its members, work toward advancing womankind and provide scholarships for educating and training students living in Apollo Beach and surrounding areas who demonstrate financial need.
If you wish to learn more about ABWC, attend any events (resuming in September) or join the club (annual membership dues are $50), visit www.apollobeachwomansclub.com or contact ABWC’s second vice president of membership, Liz Pedersen, at 813-777-8215 or kenlizpedersen@msn.com.