The Angel Foundation FL is a compassionate and community-oriented organization with the mission of partnering businesses and individuals to families experiencing crises in order to support them through times of need.
Founded in 2003 by community leaders Anne Nymark, Clif Curry and Arlene Waldron, the foundation originally aimed to raise funds for small nonprofit organizations. Since then, the foundation has evolved significantly and in 2017 refocused to directly support families.
“We rebranded in hopes to fill a gap in the community for families whose lives were going along just fine until they received that diagnosis of cancer or other catastrophic event and their lives were turned upside down,” said Liz Brewer, CEO of Angel Foundation FL. “Our goal is to keep them on the road to self-sufficiency and assist them until they are able to get back on their feet.”
The organization focuses on connecting affected families with local businesses to address their practical needs, allowing them to concentrate on healing and restoration. The foundation also provides financial assistance for essential expenses, like utilities and cell phones, recognizing that even one month without income can create a significant burden for families.
New monthly Angels Connect Luncheons are held in Plant City on the third Thursday of every month and in Brandon on the fourth Thursday, fostering networking among Angel Leaders, community leaders and business supporters. These luncheons are open to everyone and aim to inspire participants to support families in need, whether through direct involvement or other means.
“Everyone is welcome, and I promise you will leave there inspired to help a family in some way, whether big or small,” said Brewer.
Other key events organized by the Angel Foundation FL to raise funds and awareness include the Sporting Clays Classic in February, the Evening of Hope Gala in October and the Ladies Christmas Coffee in December. These events are vital for the foundation, as it operates entirely on support from the community. The foundation also oversees the Angel Gift Shop at HCA Florida Brandon Hospital, which not only provides flowers, gifts and other items to hospital guests, staff and patients but also enhances awareness of the foundation and increases its ability to serve families.
Community members can get involved with the Angel Foundation FL through the Angel Leader program, volunteering at the gift shop or helping an event committee. Financial support can be provided through sponsorships or as a Monthly Angel Donor, with donations starting at $25 per month. Donors receive an Angel VIP Card with discounts to local and national businesses.
The foundation’s ultimate goal is to offer compassionate support by providing help, hope and advocacy to families, ensuring they are not alone during a time of need and helping them achieve self-sufficiency once again.
For more information, please visit https://angelfoundationfl.com/ or contact Brewer at liz@angelfoundationfl.com.