The Community for Women of St. Stephen Catholic Church is a diverse group of women who gather for fun, fellowship, service and to lend a helping hand. Its mission is to assist priests and the parishioners of St. Stephen to serve others through social and spiritual events. It is truly a ministry supporting the fellowship of women.

One of its most rewarding corporal works of mercy is tending to the most vulnerable, the children. Did you know to some children, socks and underwear are a luxury? All children deserve to have this ‘luxury.’ For the past 22 years and into the future, the Community for Women has sponsored Underwear Sunday. It collects socks and underwear and gives them to local schools that are most in need. With the help of administrators in several impoverished elementary schools in Hillsborough County, it provides them with these items for those in most need.  If you would like to help, please feel free to bring your donation of socks, underwear, Walmart/Target gift cards or monetary donations to the office of St. Stephen Catholic Church by Monday, September 30.

One of the biggest gatherings at St. Stephen’s is its fish fry during Lent. Along with other ministries, St. Stephen raises money for the parish to help with the purchase of equipment or support other ministries that need assistance. Its fish fries are noted for their delicious fish dinners and awesome desserts. Join in on Fridays during Lent, meet new people and enjoy the evening with family and friends.

Another example of how the Community for Women sponsors a fundraising event is through the annual tea hosted by the St. Vincent de Paul committee. This year’s tea will be held on Saturday, September 14. Through fundraising, St. Vincent de Paul can provide monetary support to people in the community.

Do you love to play bingo? Join in on the fourth Tuesday of every month in the Family Life Center, located at 10136 St. Stephen Circle in Riverview. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Games begin at 6:30 p.m. Gather with your family and friends for a fun night and a chance to win cash prizes. All the proceeds of bingo provide support to the many ministries that are close to our hearts and impact the members, parish and surrounding communities in many ways.

St. Stephen Catholic Church is located at 10428 St. Stephen Circle in Riverview. If you would like more information about the Community for Women ministry, contact

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