As the school year begins, residents can do their part so that every student in the county arrives at school and returns home safely each day.

With the start of the school year underway, the safety of children in school zones remains a top priority in Hillsborough County. Efforts to protect students involve a combination of awareness, law enforcement and education. Hillsborough County Public Works, county officials, employees and community members work together and commit to creating safer streets. The safety of children in school zones is a shared responsibility. Together, residents can do their part so that every student in the county arrives at school and returns home safely each day.

Here are some tips for both children and drivers to ensure everyone stays safe during school commutes.

Safety tips for walking to school:

  • Stay on the sidewalk. Always use sidewalks when walking to and from school. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible.
  • Cross at crosswalks: Cross streets at designated crosswalks and obey traffic signals. Never dart out into the street between parked cars.
  • Look both ways: Before crossing, look left, right and left again to ensure the road is clear of vehicles.
  • Stay alert: Avoid distractions such as texting, listening to music with headphones or playing games on mobile devices while walking.
  • Use the buddy system: Walk with a friend or in a group whenever possible. There’s safety in numbers.
  • Bright clothing: Wear bright, reflective clothing, especially during dawn and dusk hours when visibility is lower.

Safety tips for drivers:

  • Obey speed limits: Follow posted speed limits in school zones, which are typically 15-20 mph during school hours.
  • Be extra cautious: Slow down and be prepared to stop for children walking or biking to school, especially at intersections and crosswalks.
  • No distractions: Avoid using mobile devices or other distractions while driving in school zones.
  • Stop for school buses: Stop when school buses are picking up or dropping off children. It is illegal to pass a school bus with its stop arm extended.
  • Yield to pedestrians: Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Children may not always follow pedestrian signals precisely.
  • Watch for bicyclists: Be mindful of young cyclists and give them plenty of space when passing.

Remember, the safety of children traveling to and from school is a shared responsibility.

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