Exercising patience and following your school’s guidelines is key to successfully navigating car line.

Back-to-school time means back to the car line for a lot of Hillsborough County parents.

The streets of Hillsborough County got much busier in August as the school year restarted and children made their way to and from their schools on foot, on bicycles and in cars.

Now that the year is underway and people become more comfortable in their morning routines, it is critical for all Hillsborough County drivers to be extra aware while driving and utilizing car lines. Many school-age children are not even as tall as the front grill of a full-sized truck or SUV, and they are much less aware of personal safety than adults.

Drop-off and pickup times can be the most dangerous parts of the day, so here are some tips on how to make it safer:

  1. Avoid showing up early for car lines if you can, to avoid hazardous car queuing.
  2. Do not park in the roadway while waiting to pick up children. Blocking the roadway can cause other motorists to do illegal maneuvers to get around you and cause dangerous conditions. This also can make it difficult for first responders to maneuver in an emergency.
  3. Do not park in bike lanes or on sidewalks. The county has developed infrastructure to improve safety for children to walk and bike to and from school. Features like bike lanes and sidewalks also are used by parents meeting their children at school to go home together. When those lanes are blocked, they force kids and parents to use the roadway to walk and bike, which can be unsafe.
  4. Do not block driveways for residents or businesses. Businesses need customers to access parking areas during hours of operation, and blocking access or using their parking spaces can impact their business.

These simple safety tips can help reduce stress for parents and improve safety for schoolchildren and parents. For questions and rules regarding your specific school’s car line, don’t hesitate to reach out to your administration for clarification.

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