I recently heard an inspiring (true) story about a man who got stuck on the interstate in touch and go traffic. During one long interval of stagnation, Mark glanced at the cars around him. The older green model to his right was inhabited by two little white-haired ladies in their 70s. As the cars in Mark’s lane inched forward 10 yards or so, the green car would catch up as they played cat and mouse for 20 minutes. Mark couldn’t help but notice their ‘Jesus’ license plate and that all four tires were completely bald.
He began to worry about them. They were somebody’s grandmas.
Then the traffic unsnarled, and the ladies turned off at the next exit. Mark lifted a prayer that the Almighty would protect them.
A few days later, Mark was driving through a residential area when, to his amazement, he noticed a familiar green car with bald tires parked in front of a house. As he passed by, he noticed a sign on the car he’d not seen before: “Uber Eats.” And then the door to the house opened and the two ladies tottered back to the green death trap.
They were driving all over the city delivering food in that thing! Mark felt a Holy Spirit elbow jab to help, so he turned around, parked behind them and approached the car.
After introducing himself and briefly explaining their unlikely first meeting on the interstate, he said, “Ladies, you can’t be driving around with these dangerous tires one more day. I’d like to buy you a new set of tires. Will that be alright?”
The women looked at each other and their eyes filled with tears. “Oh, my goodness! We can’t afford new tires and we’ve been praying that the Lord would somehow provide. And here you are! God bless you!”
And He did. According to Mark, the blesser received the bigger blessing than the blessed. Whom can you bless this week?
“Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the LORD! Praise God in the Highest heaven!” (Matthew 21:9 NLT).