Participants, spectators, volunteers and sponsors were duly recognized at the awards ceremony for the first-ever Brandon Festival of Lights, the December 14, 2024, holiday parade presented by two chambers of commerce.
In welcoming attendees to the awards ceremony at The Regent in Riverview weeks later, Kerrie Hoening, on behalf of the event committee, said the parade was a “grand experiment” that exceeded expectations.
“Everything we learned from this year’s parade we’ll use to smooth out the edges and make it an even greater event next year,” Hoening said, making it official that the inaugural parade is destined to become a long-standing holiday tradition.
“This grand experiment that we just went through, we appreciate your grace and willingness to come alongside us,” Hoening added. “I hope we can all agree that it was a really fun event and our community appreciated it.”
The applause Hoening received for her remarks resounded again for the award of checks to two nonprofits and to the issuance of awards for parade units. Thanks also went to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office; to county officials who awarded the parade a special event grant; and to the four high school bands that participated in a show of school support, aided by the efforts of school board member Patti Rendon, and Jon Sever, supervisor of music, grades six through 12, for the Hillsborough County Public Schools district. Bands participating were from Bloomingdale, Brandon, Newsome and Riverview high schools.
Special thanks went also to the parade’s 28 sponsors, including Reed & Reed, Attorneys at Law (title sponsor), and to Rivard Buick GMC (VIP tent and grandstand area).
The heavy load was carried by both the Greater Brandon Chamber of Commerce (GBCC) and the Valrico/Fishhawk Chamber of Commerce (VFCC), whose representatives awarded the nonprofit checks from parade proceeds. GBCC Executive Vice President Amber Aaron presented a $3,000 check to the Angel Foundation FL. From the VFCC, Patti Sutherland presented the check to Raining Cats and Dogs Shelter and Sanctuary.
Parade award recipients were High 5 Inc. (Most Festive); Judy’s Dance Academy (Judge’s Choice); Sea SaveYours Conservation Society (Crowd’s Choice); Creative Junk Therapy (Most Original); and 2023 Honorary Mayor of East Hillsborough Danielle Stevens, escorted by Abi Merkel (Most Community Spirit).
The 2025 Brandon Parade of Lights is scheduled for Saturday, December 13.
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