County planners have been working with community members, advocates and homeowners association boards to create the Valrico Community Plan. In March 2023, the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners requested staff to initiate the process to create the plan.
A community plan is intended to be an extension and refinement of the county’s comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan is general in nature and provides guidance on issues county-wide. A community plan is more detailed in nature and intended to provide specific recommendations on issues raised by local stakeholders.
The Valrico Community Plan will be developed in a process that involves the community at each phase and discusses the special and unique characteristics of Valrico.
Scope of the study:
- Create a communitywide vision.
- Establish community goals.
- Develop strategies to further goals.
- Create a community concept map.
Valrico by the numbers:
- In 2022, Valrico was home to about 50,000 people, 18,000 residences and 2,000 jobs.
- Thirty-one percent of the population of Valrico is between the ages of 45 and 64 years old.
This study will result in the creation of the Valrico Community Plan. The plan will be presented to the board of county commissioners for consideration and potentially result in amendments to the Hillsborough County Comprehensive Plan and/or Land Development Code. Any final policy changes are at the discretion of the board of county commissioners.
Planners will be on hand on Thursday, February 6, from 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the
Bloomingdale Regional Public Library, located at 1906 Bloomingdale Ave. in Valrico.
For detailed maps and history of the project, visit